Empowering Tomorrow's Women Leaders

We nurture the leaders of tomorrow through personalized education and holistic development.



Caminova is a residential campus designed exclusively for girls, located in the quaint town of Kadampuzha in Malappuram district. The institution boasts of offering top-notch higher secondary education in both science and commerce streams, with a special emphasis on providing rigorous coaching for medical entrance exams. Additionally, Caminova places great emphasis on inculcating moral values and ethics among its students through its comprehensive moral studies program.

Courses Offered

Our Academic Programs

+1 Science with Medical Entrance Coaching

Specialized coaching to prepare students for medical entrance exams. Personalized guidance from accomplished mentors. Well-equipped labs for practical application of theoretical knowledge.

+1 Commerce with CA Coaching

Exclusive coaching for Chartered Accountancy (CA) aspirants. Rigorous training to develop financial acumen and professional ethics.

Caminova NEET School

Tailored program for students repeating NEET after +2. Targeted coaching to address specific challenges and enhance performance. Supportive environment to boost confidence and motivation.

Islamic Studies

Integration of Islamic studies for moral and spiritual development. Respected scholars providing guidance on ethical values

Life at Campus

Our campus is designed to provide your child with a truly immersive Islamic experience. From the early morning congregational prayer to the evening prayer, every aspect of your child’s day is carefully crafted to foster a deep connection with their faith. After classes, your child can engage in play and participate in a range of Islamic rituals, such as Haddad and Quran recitation that help them develop a strong understanding and appreciation of their religious traditions.

Moral studies

At Caminova, we provide an Islamic environment for your child to nurture their faith and guide them towards the path of Islam. Our knowledgeable scholars not only teach theoretical knowledge but also practical wisdom of Islam. We offer courses that cover Thajwid, Fiqh, and Hadith, which are designed to provide essential training to our students. Additionally, our guided course of study in Islam’s primary sources will enable your child to learn about Islamic tradition, theology, and philosophy.

Programs of study

Caminova provides exceptional higher secondary courses in two major streams - science and commerce. Our learning approach is unique and focuses on nurturing learners’ knowledge and skills to make them proficient in their chosen subjects. Our curriculum is designed to challenge and inspire students, helping them to become top performers in their chosen fields. With our expert faculty and innovative teaching methods, we aim to provide a comprehensive and enriching learning experience to our students

Why Choose us

Discover the Caminova Advantage

Nutritious Food

Play and thrive

Extensive library

Serene surroundings

Swimming Pool

Air Condition Classroom

Spiritual Ambience

Luxurious hostel

Expert faculties

Transform Your Tomorrow
Caminova Awaits Your Brilliance!